Quality Bus Network Projects
Tree Survey, Reports & Drawings, Assessment & Suitability, Risk Assessments, Arboricultural Impact Assessment & Method Statement, Mitigation & Proposals, Detailed Protection Measures, Construction Details and Professional Consultation on Route Selection.
The role of Murray & Associates is to undertake arboricultural tree surveys and assessments for the various proposed quality bus corridors and networks throughout Dublin. The surveys include undertaking a detailed tree survey using the 12 headings recommended in the BS5837:2005 Trees in Relation to Construction. We catergorise and map the trees, advise on proposed tree status, detailed protection and specification for mitigation tree replacement planting. Murray & Associates prepare contract documents, manage the tender process, supervise and certify the works on site on satisfactory completion.
- Tree Survey and Tree Protection Drawings and Detailed Protection Measures.
- Tree Survey Report and schedules.
- Tree works and mitigation specifications
- Construction details for street tree planting
- Contract Documents
- Certificate of Completion
Project Info.
- Location: Dublin
- Client: Quality Bus Networks Projects
- Size approx.: Vary
- Year of Project: 2004 - Ongoing
- Project Team
- Principal Arborist: Sinead McHugh