
The practice has consistently been recognised for the quality of completed projects and has received a number of awards for its work in addition to editorial references in the press such as this commendation in the Irish Times in September 2009:

“Punctuating the national routes, an eclectic selection of work appears. On the M7, Dan Georges Race of the Black Pig is a series of shapes that resolve into the form of a St Bridget’s Cross as you pass. Probably even more effective, however, is the landscaping around the Portlaoise bypass section sequenced planting of Norway maple, red and yellow dogwood, larch and spindle creates bands of colour that remain magnificent in all seasons and lift the spirit.”

2024 ILI Playscape Award for Tully Park Cherrywood, Winner
Judges comments: “This project was well considered and not afraid to tackle the level constraints of the site and turn them into positive design elements. Written response demonstrated the amount of consideration that had gone into the whole project to design sustainably.”

2024 ILI Residential Development Award for Seven Mills: Phase 1A, Highly Commended.

2024 ILI Research Project and Publications Award for Retrospective:30, Highly Commended.

2020 ILI Landscape People’s Choice Award for Beckett Park, Cherrywood, Winner.

2020 ILI Landscape President’s Choice Award for Beckett Park, Cherrywood, Winner.

2020 ILI Landscape Public Park Award for Beckett Park, Cherrywood, Winner.

2020 ILI Landscape Public Park Award for The Green, Malahide, Commended.

2020 ILI Landscape Overseas Project Award for Santander Digital Hub, Winner.

2018 ILI Landscape Management Policy & Research Award for Johnstown Castle Masterplan, Commended.

2018 ILI Commercial & Institutional (Medium) Award for The National Bank of Oman, Commended.

2009 ILI Public Realm Award for Cortober Riverside Park, Commended.

2009 ILI Public Realm Award for Tullamore Town Park, Highly Commended.

2009 ALCI Local Authority Award for St. Leonards Garden, Dundalk.

2007 Irish Landscape Institute Awards: Commendation in Design for Roscommon Town Park.

2007 Irish Landscape Institute Awards: Commendation in Design for Fashion City, M50 Business Park, Dublin 24. 

2007 ALCI Award Winner in Public Authority category for Aisling Park, Dundalk

2007 LAMA Award (the local Authority Members Association) for Carlow Town Park. Winner of Best Public Park category

2006 ALCI Awards – Merit award for Tallaght Retail Streetscape.

2006 Tidy Towns National Landscape Award: King House Pleasure Grounds (Town Park), Boyle, Co. Roscommon.

2004 Irish Landscape Institute Awards, Commendation in landscape design for Carlow Town Park.

2004 ALCI Local Authority section for Carlow Town Park.

2004 Irish Landscape Institute Awards. Overall winner in category 2.2, projects – 100,000 euro and more than 3 years constructed for College Business Park.

2004 ALCI Commercial category for Fashion City.

2003 Association of landscape contractors local authority award for Portlaoise Downs Town Park.

2002 Association of landscape contractors local authority award for Carlow Northern Relief Road.

1998-2000 Irish Landscape Institute, Award of Distinction in Landscape Design for Portlaoise By Pass.

1996 Irish Landscape Institute, Award of Distinction in Landscape Design 1996 for Icehouse Hill, Dundalk.